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Eurordis - Rare Disease Europe

Increase your knowledge and skills in the rare disease space

Learn with the Open Academy

The EURORDIS Open Academy accompanies patient advocates by offering rare disease-specific comprehensive training programmes that empower advocates with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to engage with different stakeholders as equal partners. Our Schools offer a blended learning approach including eLearning courses, webinars and in-person training as well as research visits and networking opportunities.

Our programme is developed with expert trainers identified from the research, regulatory, industry and patient community to build competence and provide support and advice. Thanks to EURORDIS’ experience and reputation, trainees receive up-to-date, actionable content delivered through engaging learning methods, leading to the achievement of concrete results.

Amongst other examples, Open Academy alumni have gone on to:

    • Participate in or set-up a disease-specific CAB (Community advisory board) to help design clinical trials and identify the most relevant endpoints for patients
    • Co-design or jointly submit proposals for research projects, ensuring the project meets the needs and priorities of the patients
    • Register as a patient expert and participate in activities in the European Medicines Agency (EMA) such as protocol assistance and scientific committees

Apply Now for the 2025 Open Academy Trainings

Applications are now open for the 2025 edition of the Open Academy Schools, offering intensive, face-to-face training in Barcelona from 2-5 June 2025. This year, the Schools on Medicines Research & Development and Scientific Innovation & Translational Research will run in parallel, featuring expert-led sessions on patient engagement, leadership, and a research facility visit. A new online programme on data, ethics, and AI in rare disease research will also be launched, running from January to June 2025.


Our programmes are provided free of charge to patient advocates and are designed with accessibility in mind. Additionally, Open Academy graduates benefit from our alumni network which offers ongoing support and access to exclusive additional resources, networking, volunteer opportunities and further training.

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Introduction to genetics and genomics

⌛️ 2h


Survey design for rare disease patient organisations

⌛️ 5h


Fundamentals of statistics in clinical trials

⌛️ 3h


The European Medicines Agency (EMA)

⌛️ 4h45


Market access & Health Technology Assessment

⌛️ 1h30

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Contact the Open Academy team

For more information, please contact

Marta Campabadal, Open Academy Senior Manager

Gemma Rodríguez, Open Academy Training Manager

Gemma Rodriguez

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