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Eurordis - Rare Disease Europe

EURORDIS Digital School


The EURORDIS Digital School on Social & Digital Media is a fully online programme, composed of webinars and free e-learning courses, available on demand. The EURORDIS Digital School aims to empower rare disease patient advocates to use digital communication tools to improve the strategic outreach and community-building capacities of their organisations.




Take part in free online training

Learn more about social media and community engagement at a time and place that suits you! Take the free e-learning courses below! The conditions of use for all EURORDIS e-learning courses have been licensed with Creative Commons. More information on the conditions of use.



Reaching the Right People: Celebrities and Influencers

⌛️ 1h15m


Plan & Create for Social Media Success

⌛️ 1h

brazos alzando telefonos móviles que gravan

Creating Great Mobile Video

⌛️ 2h30m

!Estos cursos también están disponibles en español!

Support Materials for the EURORDIS Digital School

Watch our webinar recordings and explore new e-learning courses:

Contact the Open Academy Team

For more information, please contact

Marta Campabadal, Open Academy Manager-eLearning and Outreach Coordinator

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